Tooling & Pattern Making

A tool is built to customer-provide specification. Cold wax is then injected into the tool to create a wax pattern/prototype. That will hold precise dimensional requiments in the final casting.

Pattern Assembly

The Wax pattern are assembled on to the tree.

Dipping & Coating

Successive layer of ceramic and are applied to the tree assembley to form a hard shell.

De-Waxing And Fire

The molds are flash-fired to remove the wax then heated upto 1200 and placed on send bed, ready for pouring.


Molten metal upto 1,650 is poured into the hollow mold and then colled.

Knockout & Cutting

The ceramic shell is broken off and the individual casting are cut away.

Heat Treatment Process

Casting heated upto 1250 as per standard or customer requirement.


Fettling process carried out for required surface finishing.

Machining Process

The Machining process involvesthe use of various tools and Machinery to shape raw castings into finished products with precise dimensions and surface finishes.

Testing And Inpection

Casting undergo thorough testing and inspection to ensure that they meet dimensional tolerances ans specifications.

Packing & Shipping

Casting are securely packaged for shipping to the cusomer.